Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Merry Christmas

Since the economic weather outside is frightful, we decided to forgo our Caribbean Christmas tradition. The kids tried to make do.

Wishing you a warm Christmas and hope you have a healthy New Year.

The Duff Family

Monday, December 8, 2008

Family Home Evening

Tonight for Family Home Evening we listened to our favorite Christmas CD (John Denver and the Muppets), finished decorating the tree, and made our Gingerbread house. Yes the gingerbread house came in a kit but we had to do all of the work. It turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. Tomorrow we'll eat it. Hope you are all having a great time getting ready for Christmas.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Diabetes for a Day

This year my sister took the challenge to be a diabetic for the day to help raise awareness about the disease and the need for a cure.

Thank you Heather for being a wonderful sister and aunt.

Please follow the link to Heather's blog and read all about her day.


This Thanksgiving we had so much to be grateful for. We went to West Virginia to spend Thanksgiving with 19 of the Duffs. It was a great meal followed by games, golf, sleep and shopping.

Unfortunately the day after Thanksgiving Dawson got sick. His immune system just can't keep up with all the viruses that go around during this time of year. We spent the next 4 days at Farifax Childrens Hospital. He endured a lot this hospital stay and he never once complained. We are so thankful that we were given this brave and courageous little boy. We are truly thankful for him.

Our friends and family rallied to help and support us and for that we are really grateful. My sister-in-law Anna brought me over a warm bowl of soup and 3 of the most delicious chocolate covered strawberries.

My friends from work made a great spaghetti dinner for the family once Dawson was home from the hospital. It was so nice to not have to worry about making a meal. I was really enjoying it until Dawson said, "Mom you should get the recipe for this. Its the best spaghetti we have ever had." Thanks D. The meal ended with great Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk Cookies that were out of this world. No picture to show you because they were gone in no time. The recipe can be found at
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.