Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's a New Year

I would never admit to getting old. However this New Years Eve made me feel old. All day Reagan, Dawson, and Parker begged me to stay up until midnight. I agreed knowing that they would crash before midnight but it was easier than telling them no. To my dismay Parker made it to midnight and almost an hour after. Dawson made it until 11:30 and Reagan was dead to the world just after 10:30. They all tried so hard to stay awake but I think I had to try harder than all three of them combined. They say that youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you're forced to. I am far from middle aged but let me tell you staying up until midnight just isn't as much fun as it used to be.

So I don't make new year resolutions. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me.

Hope you all have a healthy, happy and prosperous 2009!

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