Friday, August 29, 2008

School...Glorious School

It finally came. The day I'd been looking forward to since June 6(the day school got out). I say that only half kidding. I love lazy summer days but I much prefer structure and schedule. I'm the type who has every minute of vacations planned out too. This year my boys were very excited for back to school. Dawson got Mrs. Oliver for 1st. grade and Parker got Miss Terney for 3rd. grade. Mrs. Oliver has class pets (which excites Dawson) and she is a looping teacher which means we will have her for two years. (which excites me) Parker got the teacher he really wanted and she is "cool" in the 3rd. grade world.
I was also excited this year because my boys let me put them in matching first day of school outfits again. This year the shirts were different colors but the same shirt. I think they look so cute. I know the day is coming very soon when they won't let me do this so I'm just going to live it up while I can.

The school bus came. Both boys jumped on. Neither looked back or said good bye with tears in their eyes because they were so sad to leave me.(which probably means they were looking forward to this day as much as I was) So yes I had to peak my head in the bus and tell them to have a great day. That shouldn't have embarrassed them too much!(next year I bet they'll say good bye)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of the first day. They look so cute in their shirts. I like that they are the same but different colors.

At least you didn't hop in the bus and kiss them good bye!!